«I am essentially a storyteller. My closest family are Munchausen and Gulliver. I take immense joy in conjuring magical universes, because imagination always supasses reality. Then I strive to make those fantasies come true. Sometimes I succeed. Sometimes it takes a mere moment, and other times – a decade.

I am a storyteller, so you are free not to believe a single word I say. You may doubt every little thing I describe. You must however believe one thing:

A dream is just an anticipation. Dreams exist in order to come true. If not, what’s the point in them?

The planets of my imaginary galaxies are inhabited with white rabbits who are constantly in a rush, with gigantic windmills, noses strolling in the city streets, talking cats and their smiles which float entirely on their own. But the most amazing planet of all is the Planet if Childhood. It’s only in childhood that reality and fantasy are one, merging routine and dreams in harmony. A child hears the main notes of the universal music. It is only by following out childhood dreams that we can achieve happiness. Sadly, some of us lose that thread as they are growing up…

«Alchemy of snow» is written by Slava Polunin with his regular co-author Natasha Tabachnikova. It is illustrated with works of Quint Buchholz and designed by Mikhail Anikst.