For 25 years thousands of photographers have been taking photos of the SnowShow. This album is a collection of the best images of this show since its creation.

Each step from one page to another was carefully thought through by Slava Polunin and a wonderful design artist – Mikhail Anikst. They are like directors on paper, they guide us and navigate our attention.

There are also Slava Polunin’s thoughts on the art of clowning. There are some single quotes, almost aphorisms, uttered, written or accidentally said by Slava which were carefully collected and kept for years by his co-authour Natasha Tabachnikova. Finally, thanks to this book, this treasure box is open and Slava’s intimate, neat and infinitely important thoughts fill these pages.

Publisher Academy of fools
Language ‏English, Russian
Hardcover, ‎152 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ 978-5904584306
Item Weight ‏ 1,36 kg
Dimensions ‏ 310 x 250 x 248 mm

Price 55 euros