How can detailers remove hair from cargo lines?

How can detailers remove hair from cargo lines?

Being out with your furry companion is always a fun time, but having to get all dog hair from your car may not be. Your car doesn't have to be ruined by dog hair just because your pet is in it. Professional detailers offer a variety of tips and tricks to help you get rid of hairy dog fur from your vehicle. Continue reading to learn the ways these removal techniques will help your car shine once more.

The best way to avoid hair on your dog is to stop it from occurring in the first place. Take a look at our >cargo liner for Dogs

Prepare for the Dog Hair Removal

Dog hair can get stuck to trunk fabric and cause problems when it comes to getting your car out. A hair inlet that is compressed can be used to clear the area. You can also make use of a hair dryer. Hairdryers is a device that lets you blow compressed air on the fabric in order to stimulate dog hairs to emerge.

Once you have prepared your space, you will be able to use the following techniques to get the hair out of your vehicle.

Static Electricity and Balloons

Did you know that if you blow balloons and apply it to your hair and it will rise when you lift it slowly? This technique can be utilized to remove hairs from your pet's car. Take some balloons, and rub them across the interior of your car. The balloons will rise gradually if you move them over your hair.

This allows you to roll the hair into a ball and then dispose of it. This isn't the most effective method, but it is useful in situations where you want to stay calm or help loosen the hair.


Rubber Gloves

Rubber gloves aren't just beneficial for gardening and the kitchen; they can also help you remove pet hairs from your vehicle. All you have to do is thoroughly soak the outside of your gloves and then spray a tiny amount of water over the areas with pet hair. You can then rub your gloves vigorously over the surface to get the hair out.

It will be evident that hair adheres on your fingers. Take a bucket of water that is warm and soak your gloves into it to get rid of hair. It's much simpler than trying to curl the hair into balls. Continue this method a few times, then allow your vehicle to air dry for a few hours.


A Vacuum & Pet Brush

A pet brush can be a great tool to get pet hair out of any fabric. Spray water onto your hair and then use the brush to remove it. You'll be able to clean it up much easier with the brush.

Be aware that pet brushes typically come with narrow and hard bristles. There is a chance that your upholstery will be damaged due to the brush. Make sure you get a pet brush that is slightly softer than your regular one. This means you're less likely to damage your vehicle.


Dog Hair Protection Tips

Although you know how to get rid of dog hair from your car, it's worth looking at these tips for dog hair protection. They can keep hair from sticking to your car.


Pets can be groomed

Make sure you brush your dog's hair before you let it in the car. This will take any excess hair from the fur.


Seat Covers

There are a variety of really great seat covers you can purchase to help protect your car from sand, dog hair, and more off of your seats. You should be careful when removing the cover. In the event that you don't, you could end up with everything on your seat.


Travel Cargo Carriers

You can cut down on the amount of dog hair that settles on your seats with a travel carrier.



There are a variety of methods to get your dog hair out of your car. A lot of them are employed by professional detailers since removing dog hair can sometimes be complicated. Anyone can handle it.

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