"Civilization" by Sid Meier - there is no more recognizable, revered and beloved brand among the adherents of a computer mouse and keyboard. You don't have to get to know the friv games in the series at all, try to ignore them in every possible way, prefer them to less demanding first-person action friv for school games, arcade or strategy from Desura Online Games (hello and forgive us, Command & Conquer !), But each new Civilization- like a concert from a fresh tour of The Scorpions. That is, as soon as you start thinking that nothing will surprise you, and the best years of the authors are behind you, the absolutely opposite and enthusiastic thought immediately flies into your head and for a long time there remains an absolutely opposite and enthusiastic thought: "Go crazy - they did it again!" We are more than sure that these words will fit perfectly to the fifth part of "Civilization" . And now let's try to explain why.
What could be better than strategy in the Civilization universe? That's right - just another successor of the series. Previously, it might seem that the fifth part of cardinal innovations and cannot have a lot - the basic principles of the gameplay were honed back in the triquel, three-dimensionality was introduced in the fourth chapter and, in fact, that's all. The adaptation for the console market named Civilization Revolution and the remake of the very first "Civilization" will not be considered full-fledged parts of the franchise - these are just developers' experiments connected with attracting an additional audience.
Civilization 5- this is one of the defining reasons for our sympathy for the personal computer as a gaming platform. Such complex, hardcore and at the same time not the most dynamic global strategies should be only here. First, let's praise Desura Online Games for wanting to keep up with the times. From the point of view of technology perfection, the "pyatyorochka" engine looks great - there is even support for DirectX 11. We do not directly know whether this is so necessary for a game that has a huge canvas of a global map and scanty handfuls of units drawn with complete disregard for the concept of " proportionality". Owners of the latest generation video cards will definitely thank the developers for this.
However, the manipulation of the engine upgrade pales against the background of the main gameplay innovation."Civilizations" . Remember those quadrangles that the map was split into before? So, hurry to forget them. Now hexagons are in charge of the situation, they are also hexes. Yes, yes, exactly the same that we told you about in the preview on Greed Corp - except that they do not have the property of falling through as the earth is depleted. Surely some of our readers are now indifferently chuckling and shrugging their shoulders: "Well, hexes, well, quadrangles - what's the difference?" And the difference, meanwhile, is very big.
Let's start with the obvious. More sides per unit area - more opportunities for the enemy, who decides to attack. The number of fronts is increasing, which means that the complexity of conducting your personal policy will increase. The developers themselves claim that the transition to hexes is a deliberate and difficult decision, which nevertheless has been asking for a very long time. This will only make "Civilization" more complicated and interesting, so don't worry.
As you already understood, changes in the area measurement system will affect the battles. There, too, without some reasons to get nervous for the fans of the series, it was not without. We dare to assure fans that all the improvements are quite rational. Now the logic in the fights will become much more than an example. Troops with long-range weapons will be able to deal with even well-equipped soldiers (but born for close combat) from a distance without any problems. That is, from now on, the tactic is fair, when throwers of some spears will plant their shells between the eyes of uneducated baboons, when they are still far away.
Well, and an analogue of the "tank rush" from C&C in Civilization 5does not work. It is sad, of course, but gathering all types of troops around you, planting them in each cell to the maximum and going on a crusade named after yourself will not work. Fans can now get their hands on handkerchiefs or smelly tomatoes - whatever the temperament allows. And all because the ability to collect an unimaginable number of units in each hexagon has been canceled, thereby forming thundering "death cells". Everything will become strictly like in a pharmacy - one military unit for each hex.
How critical the above-mentioned innovations will turn out to be, we do not undertake to predict yet. But Desura, we are sure, knows its business. And we have a new bunch of changes and additions here that we urgently need to tell you about. So, it seems that religion had to be sent under a merciless knife. She is simply not here. Here's another reason why you can't organize crusades now - unfortunately, this concept in the new Civilization will no longer exist. According to the developers themselves, religion made diplomacy predictable. There is a distinct bias of the game in the direction of pacifism. And the improved system of interaction between countries eloquently testifies to this.
They do not like hostile upstarts here - they will immediately pacify and build a powerful opposing alliance around the newly formed monastery of the Fourth Reich. It will be much more profitable and more effective to sign an agreement on peaceful and long-term cooperation with the state, the resources and interests with which you would like to share. Desura literally advocates globalization "like the UN".
Civilization 5 will have multiplayer. It will be possible to find out whose power is stronger and who is worthy to take the chair of the ruler of the world only on the Internet. Desura also has a lot of focus on custom mods. There will also be an opportunity to download your favorite mods directly from the game menu. A full-fledged editor, of course, will also be attached.
In any case, those who like to arrange genocide on a planetary scale and to subjugate entire nations will be left with the very opportunity to act for the benefit of their principles, only it will become much more difficult to do this.
Everything related to the visual display of world leaders - a topic especially developed in Civilization Revolution - found its logical continuation in the fifth part. Now the heroes will be able to show their dislike or sympathy by using all parts of the body - full-fledged figures will take the place of portraits. And their connection with real-life prototypes will be traced more clearly - and not only thanks to recognizable "corporate" gestures, but also actions, deeds and habits. Remember now the same Hitlerand imagine what this mustachioed racist with Parkinson 's disease was capable of - in the game he, like many other world famous personalities, will fully manifest himself.
Hexes instead of quadrangles, support for DirectX 11 and all modern technologies; a clear bias towards diplomacy, but not military affairs; a radically reworked combat system - these are the key definitions for Civilization 5. We absolutely have no doubts that it will be the main global strategy for the next few years. And the changes she has undergone should only benefit her - it cannot be otherwise, because the new "Civilization" simply has no right to fail.