Leg Day For Surfers: Gym Exercises To Improve Your Surf Game


Have you ever wanted to take your surfing to the next level? Have you ever wanted to be able to turn and pop-up with ease? If so, then it’s time to incorporate leg day into your routine!


Leg day exercises are essential for improving your pop-up and turns when it comes to surfing. With the right exercises, you can gain strength and flexibility in all of the right places that are important when it comes to surfing. 


So if you're ready to take your surfing game up a notch, read on! We'll show you the best leg day exercises for improving your pop-up and turns.


Benefits Of Leg Day Exercises


Leg exercises are an essential part of any surfer's training regime, as they help to not only build strength and power but also balance and coordination. With regular practice, you will be able to perform pop-ups and turns with greater ease and confidence. Moreover, these exercises can help improve posture, reduce the risk of injury, increase flexibility, and even help with weight loss!


In addition to all of these physical and mental benefits, focusing on leg day exercise can also help promote positive body image. As you strengthen your legs with each session, you’ll start to feel stronger and more confident in your own skin – helping to boost self-esteem while also improving your surf performance too!


Squat Variations For Surfing


Squats are an integral part of a surfers' gym routine as they help to build strength in the legs, glutes and core which are all necessary for dynamic movement on the waves. Squat variations can also be used to target specific muscles for greater efficiency when performing pop-ups and turns.


Let's take a look at some of the best squat variations for surfers.


Sumo Squats


The first variation is the sumo squat which focuses on the inner thighs and glutes. To do this exercise correctly, stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and then slowly lower yourself into a squat position while keeping your chest up and back straight. You should feel a deep stretch in your inner thighs at the bottom of the movement before pushing back up through your heels to complete one rep.


Front Squats


Second is a weight-bearing variant known as front squats which involve holding a dumbbell or kettlebell at chest level while sitting into a full squat position with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. This exercise helps to strengthen and stabilize both legs, glutes, core, shoulders while also improving balance – perfect for those looking to improve their pop-up technique!


Bulgarian Squats


Finally, Bulgarian split squats can help to increase muscular endurance by utilizing one leg at a time while in an elevated lunge position. To do this exercise correctly, start by standing about two feet away from a bench or box before loading one foot onto it behind you before slowly lowering yourself down until both knees form 90 degree angles before pushing back up again to complete one rep. This exercise works great as part of an alternating set where each leg performs 8–12 reps before switching sides and repeating.


By incorporating these squat variations into your gym routine you'll be able to build strength in key areas required for surfing success so why not give them a try today? 


Just ensure to make a plan and be consistent with your training sessions as this will allow you to progressively overload from week to week. You’ll build powerful legs in no time!

Core Strength Exercises



First up is the plank exercise which works to build strength in your abdomen, back, and shoulders. In order to get the most out of this exercise, make sure your body is in a straight line from head to toe while focusing on engaging your glutes, abdominals, and quads. Plank holds can also be done with one leg raised or using an unstable surface such as a Bosu ball or foam roller – both of which help to increase difficulty levels.


Mountain Climber Exercise


Second is the mountain climber exercise which helps to target the muscles in the arms and legs. To do this exercise correctly, start in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and then alternate bringing each knee towards your chest as quickly as possible while keeping your core engaged throughout. This will help to improve muscular endurance as well as coordination between both sides of the body.


Russian Twists


Third is the Russian twist which helps to engage your entire abdominal wall by rotating from side-to-side while seated on an exercise ball or bench with feet slightly off the ground. Make sure you keep your back straight throughout this exercise and focus on engaging the oblique muscles that run along either side of your torso. Furthermore, adding resistance with medicine balls or dumbbells can help increase difficulty levels even further!

How Much Rest Should I Take Between Leg Day Sessions?


Taking breaks between leg day sessions is an important part of any fitness routine, and especially so for surfers. When it comes to optimizing your pop-up and turns, rest and recovery are just as important as the exercises themselves. 


But how much rest should you take?


The amount of rest you should take depends on your level of fitness, the intensity of your workout, and how quickly your body recovers. If you're new to exercise or have recently increased the intensity of your workouts, it's best to start with at least 48 hours between leg day sessions. This will give your muscles time to heal and repair before working them again.


You can also incorporate active recovery on your rest days, which involve taking gentle walks or light swimming sessions to stimulate blood flow. These will make your muscles recover faster, allowing you to train more frequently. 


No matter what form of recovery you choose, making sure you get enough rest between leg day sessions is essential for achieving optimal performance and avoiding injury. By taking regular breaks, you'll be able to push yourself harder during each workout while staying safe and healthy in the long run.

Deadlift Variations For Surfing

The Conventional Deadlift


The first variation is the conventional deadlift which involves hinging at the hips with a straight back while keeping your core tight and chest up before pulling from the floor with both hands until you reach a standing position. This exercise will help to strengthen your hamstrings, glutes and lower back so that you can maximize power when popping up or doing a bottom turn.

Sumo Deadlift


Second is Sumo deadlifts which focus more on inner thighs and hips by utilizing a wider stance than conventional deadlifts. To do this exercise correctly, stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart before bending down into a deep squat position while maintaining good posture. From here, grip onto either side of the barbell before driving through your heels to lift it off the ground and complete one rep.

Romanian Deadlift


Finally, Romanian Deadlifts are great for targeting specific muscles such as your hamstrings as they involve keeping your knees slightly bent while leaning forward with a flat back until you feel tension in your hamstrings before returning to starting position. This variation will help you increase flexibility during turns as well as overall leg strength so it's definitely worth giving it a go!


By incorporating these deadlift variations into your gym routine you'll be able to build strength in key areas required for surfing success so why not give them a try today?




To conclude, it is important to remember that leg day exercises are essential for surfers who want to improve their pop-up and turns. Doing the right exercises, warming up properly and following the correct diet will ensure you get the most out of your leg day routine.


It's also important to stretch after a leg day workout and make sure you're taking enough rest between sessions so your muscles can recover. If you're consistent with your training and follow all of these steps, you'll be able to see significant improvements in your performance in no time.


So if you're looking to take your surfing skills to the next level, don't forget to include a few leg day workouts into your weekly routine. With dedication and consistency, there's no doubt that you'll be able to experience the rewards of improved pop-up and turns.

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